Nautilus Filter Diverters


Operation requires the Nautilus Filter Diverter be positioned on a downpipe with the Nautilus's flow outlet at a level equal to the height of the rain tank's overflow outlet, or rain tank's capacity level. A single pipe connects the Nautilus's flow outlet to the rain tank's overflow outlet.

From the downpipe, rainwater passes through the Nautilus's Hydrofoil Filter System, and gravity and water flow sweep off detritus and the Hydrofoils draw and deflect water into a catchment.

A dual outlet configuration and gravity then manage water flow diversion. A flow outlet positioned low in the catchment automatically diverts flow to fill the rain tank.

When the rain tank's water level is reaching capacity, water fills back to the Nautilus to amass in the catchment and divert incoming rainwater back into the downpipe through the overflow outlet.

Rain Tank Filling

Rainwater automatically diverts through the Flow Outlet to fill the rain tank.

Rain Tank Full

When the rain tank reaches capacity, rainwater diverts into the Overflow Outlet.